Exit 2021, Pursued by a Bear

Exit 2021, Pursued by a Bear

What a year, oh what a year.

And that was just January.

Usually, with these year in review posts, I write about the highs and lows in my personal life and my writing. Between COVID and the alt-right, the world has changed in terrible ways, and I don’t have the spoons to summarize the year in any detail. Y’all lived through it, too, after all. Suffice to say that I’m still here, and I’m glad you are too.

For all that, I did manage to release new editions for both The Time Roads and my River of Souls books. And while I didn’t actually finish a first draft of NotMansfieldPark, I did reach the 30K mark and I’ve ironed out a huge number of important plot points and character arcs for the rest of the book. (Yes, it’s expanded from novella to novel. Are we surprised?) And in the waning hours of December 31st, I had some important epiphanies about myself.

So. About this new year. Here are the gentle goals I’ve set for myself:

  • Finish NotMansfieldPark. Really. For sure. And by finish, I mean write the complete draft and make at least one editing pass.
  • Be kinder to myself.

To all of you, I wish you joy and love in the New Year, and may 2022 bring us all what we need.