Happy 4th, Our World is on Fire

Happy 4th, Our World is on Fire

It feels as though we are living in the latter days of the world. Unfortunately, we don’t have Crowley and Aziraphale to take on the bad guys. Elections this year will matter more than ever, but we need more than a few elections—we need to reform our country from the ground up. Universal healthcare. Free college education. Automatic voter registration. Stop gerrymandering. Mail-in ballots for everyone. Defund the police.

That would be a good start.

Meanwhile, at home, I have finally started writing again. I finished my Janet Watson story, now titled My Journal of a Plague Year, which you can read on AO3.

Also! I’m making sparkly good progress on my #NotMansfieldPark novella. At least, I think it’s a novella, but it might end up a very short novel. I’ll find out when I reach the end. 🙂