It’s Magic!

It’s Magic!

I got my second Pfizer shot last week, and I can only say that the effects have been magical.


The day after the shot, I was extra, extra sleepy. (Which, I grant, makes me a lot luckier than other folks.) But the day after that… I woke up full of energy and for the first time in a very long time, my brain felt clear. Please understand that after my encounter with COVID last year, I went through months and months struggling to concentrate. I stopped writing. I stopped reading. This wasn’t depression—I still accomplished all kinds of things, including a successful Kickstarter—but my inability to focus was scary.

So when I woke up last Thursday, ready to take on the world, I was amazed and delighted. I proofread 2/3 of the print edition of Passion Play. I took care of a number of errands. And I spent over an hour reading a favorite comfort book. That was just the first day.

So yeah, magic.