Spring! When all things to the call respond…

Spring! When all things to the call respond…

It’s spring, finally spring. We had a few false starts over the past month, but today the sun is out, the daffodils are blooming, and the cats are lolling about on the back patio.

I’ve also, finally, started writing again.

It’s not been as simple as sitting down in front of the computer. This past year…well, you all lived through it too. The mental and emotional exhaustion are real, and even with an adult in the White House, and vaccines rolling out, we won’t magically snap back to How It Used to Be. (And in some ways, that’s a good thing.)

So I’m taking baby steps. I’ve set myself two short writing sessions each day. My only requirement is that I spend that set amount of time actually working on #NotMansfieldPark. No word count goals, but also no excuses. We shall see how that goes. 🙂