Claire O'Dell—Living in an Alter­nate Future

And God Said, Let There Be Print

I am DELIGHTED to report that—after many trials and tweaks and close examination of the proof copies, plus a few tears along the way—the print edition for my River of Souls trilogy is now available on Amazon.

*breathes a huge sigh of relief*

One thing I’ve learned over the past year, is that I need to be 1) far more conservative with my time estimates, and 2) far more diligent about setting and keeping to deadlines. However! The books are done and published, they look gorgeous, and I finally have the covers I’ve always wanted.

And now that’s done, I can turn back to my long-neglected project NotMansfieldPark. At last count, I’d reached the 1/3 point, or around 23K words. I’m now going through the existing text to reacquaint myself with the details, and to tweak the details and smaller character arcs. It’s such a lovely feeling, to create new worlds.

Price Drop!

Between health issues and various other annoying interruptions, my progress on the print editions for my River of Souls trilogy has been much slower than I had anticipated. However! My designer and I are working on the final details for the third and final book, so in celebration, I’ve dropped the price on the e-book editions to $2.99 each.

You can find the e-books on any major vendor site, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple.

River of Souls


I live in the US, specifically in Connecticut. Let that color your reaction as you will.

In early March of 2020, my spouse and I returned from a vacation in Arizona. It was lovely and amazing and very much needed. It was also the last time we traveled anywhere for quite some time.

The very next day, spouse’s company ordered everyone to work from home. Four days later, our state issued a mandatory mask order and that all businesses had to shut down. (Not including liquor stores, which probably saved Connecticut from rioting.)

Three weeks later, I was sick as a dog. Exhausted. Fever. Coughing all the time. Couldn’t taste a thing. My primary care physician had left the practice, and I couldn’t find another who took new patients, so I used my insurance’s Tele-Health option. “You likely have COVID,” they said. “Can you get tested locally?”

I couldn’t. This was very early in the pandemic, and testing was spotty in my state. I was told to stay home, self-quarantine, but if my temperature rose above 100F, I should go to the hospital.

My temperature remained at 99F, so I stayed home. I was wiped out for a month after that. Even after I finally felt stronger, my brain was muffled in a fog. I COULD NOT READ, DAMMIT. I COULD NOT FOCUS. Even worse, I could not write. (Note: I did write a short story, but 1) it was short, and 2) it was mostly a rant, which I can manage almost any day of the week.)

I stayed home. When I did have to go out, I wore a mask. So did my son, husband, and my in-laws.

But my brain fog continued. I watched Netflix, but I simply could not focus on reading or writing. I broke down in tears because I thought I’d lost writing forever. And dammit, I had stories I wanted—NEEDED—to tell. I cannot begin to describe how lost and broken I felt.

So I watched more Netflix. And I drank a lot. Especially when I read anything about Trump. Did I mention that I felt broken?

By the time January arrived, I’d asked for, and received, medication to help with my anxiety attacks. My APRN and therapist both said they’d seen a sharp increase in patients who needed more, stronger, or different medications to deal with both Trump and the COVID pandemic. Don’t be ashamed to ask for whatever you need, they told me. I was not ashamed. I’d already learned my lesson about necessary medications, whether for allergies, or cancer, or mental health. I WAS FUCKING ANGRY.

At the same time, I also began to have some hope. We had elected an adult to the White House—someone we would need to nag and scold and bully into doing the right thing, but at least he wasn’t an orange shit-gibbon intent on destroying our country. We could reason with him. It would take time, however, so see previous comment about panic.

Then April arrived, and our state announced that 55+ folks could get the vaccine. In-laws signed up. Spouse and I signed up. Not long after that, the age restriction changed, and our son was eligible. We all got our vaccine.

And for the first time in a year, my brain cleared, and I could write.

I still take my anxiety medicine. I still have bad days. But GODS-DAMMIT, I CAN WRITE.

So you, who is reading this post, please get vaccinated, and even then, continue to wear a mask. Not for me. Not even for you. But for the community around you.

It’s Magic!

I got my second Pfizer shot last week, and I can only say that the effects have been magical.


The day after the shot, I was extra, extra sleepy. (Which, I grant, makes me a lot luckier than other folks.) But the day after that… I woke up full of energy and for the first time in a very long time, my brain felt clear. Please understand that after my encounter with COVID last year, I went through months and months struggling to concentrate. I stopped writing. I stopped reading. This wasn’t depression—I still accomplished all kinds of things, including a successful Kickstarter—but my inability to focus was scary.

So when I woke up last Thursday, ready to take on the world, I was amazed and delighted. I proofread 2/3 of the print edition of Passion Play. I took care of a number of errands. And I spent over an hour reading a favorite comfort book. That was just the first day.

So yeah, magic.

Spring! When all things to the call respond…

It’s spring, finally spring. We had a few false starts over the past month, but today the sun is out, the daffodils are blooming, and the cats are lolling about on the back patio.

I’ve also, finally, started writing again.

It’s not been as simple as sitting down in front of the computer. This past year…well, you all lived through it too. The mental and emotional exhaustion are real, and even with an adult in the White House, and vaccines rolling out, we won’t magically snap back to How It Used to Be. (And in some ways, that’s a good thing.)

So I’m taking baby steps. I’ve set myself two short writing sessions each day. My only requirement is that I spend that set amount of time actually working on #NotMansfieldPark. No word count goals, but also no excuses. We shall see how that goes. 🙂

Release Day for River of Souls

I am so EXCITED to report that my epic fantasy trilogy River of Souls is out today. The original edition came out starting in 2010 with Passion Play, and Queen’s Hunt and Allegiance following a couple years later. All three books landed great reviews, Queen’s Hunt earned a place on the Locus Recommended Reading List, and Passion Play won the RT Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Epic Fantasy. All very awesome!!!

And the same time, I never…quite connected with the original covers. Gorgeous, yes. Colorful, sure. But to me, they didn’t truly represent the story or characters or setting. And later, after I wrote the prequel novels (Mage and Empire), I discovered some plot inconsistencies.

So. Once Tor returned the rights to me, I decided to release a second edition, with new covers and updated text. I commissioned new artwork from the amazing Jessica Shirley. I badgered my long-suffering spouse into designing new covers. And I spent several months editing and proofreading the manuscripts. The e-books are now available, individually or as a bundle, at all the usual vendor sites.

What is this trilogy about? It’s about politics and intrigue, about magic and multiple lives. It’s about confronting hard choices, life after life. It’s about one young woman’s journey toward independence.

Hello, New Book, New Cover

Okay, to be accurate, the book isn’t new, and neither is the cover.

Back in 2014, my alternate history novel, The Time Roads, came out from Tor Books. (I like to call it my book of murder, mystery, and time.) The novel is set in the early 20th century and consists of four closely linked novellas. Now that I have the rights back, and I am re-releasing the book with a new different cover. You see, one of the novellas had appeared from PS Publishing as a stand-alone print edition, with a breath-taking cover by Vincent Chong. I contacted Vinny recently and asked if I could license the rights for TTR’s new cover. He said yes.

And today, the e-book edition is out! As you can see, it’s currently available from Amazon, B&N, Apple, Kobo, and Smashwords. I also plan to release a print edition in a month or two.

Well THAT Was A Year

Every year, I come up with tentative goals. And over the years, I’ve learned to pare down and simplify because…Life Happens, you know?

The 2020 we all experienced went so far beyond “Life Happens” it leaped past the next zipcode and landed on Jupiter. A global pandemic. An election year that still isn’t over. The monstrosity that is the Trump administration, dialed up even higher.

As for me, personally… It’s been a mix. My trip to Alaska last January remains the brightest spot of the year. I am also delighted that The Hound of Justice was named a finalist for the 2020 Lambda Literary Awards. COVID hit shortly after that, and the world changed.

I came down with COVID in late March—a relatively mild case, but one that lingered for months. In the middle of all that, my publisher canceled the second book in my Mage and Empire series. (Publishing took a huge hit from the pandemic, obviously.) Frankly, I could barely focus on reading, much less writing and editing, so that was likely just as well.

However! I did write three chapters for my NotMansfieldPark project, plus detailed plot notes for what is now looking more novel-ish than novella. (We shall see what happens.) I also wrote a new short story about Janet Watson when she was twelve. And I finally started work on re-releasing my River of Souls trilogy with new covers, something that excites me beyond words.

So what about 2021?

The world is more fractured and tumultuous than before, but I still want and need to set goals for myself. Gentle ones. Achievable ones.

  • Re-release my River of Souls books with their new covers, both in print and as e-books
  • Re-release my alternate history novel, The Time Roads (also as print and e-book)
  • Finish writing NotMansfieldPark and send that to my agent

And as with every year, there’s so much more I’d like to accomplish–and maybe I will! But it’s one small step at a time.

Winter Nights, Happy Holidays

I wish everyone the best of holidays, whatever faith you follow and whatever holidays you choose to celebrate. I’ve written my prayers and burned the ashes for Long Night. May we all have a better year ahead.

Kickstarter Plus

I am stoked to report that our Kickstarter reached its funding goal and leapt a few hundred dollars beyond that. The new covers for A RIVER OF SOULS are well underway and they look AMAZING. Can I say once again how much I love these renditions of Ilse, who can be utterly badass without being objectified?

In the spirit of making things right and proper, I have also reached out to the publisher to regain rights to another book, my alternate-history novel THE TIME ROADS. My plan is to re-release the book with a new cover, with my new pen name and based on the artwork for ARS MEMORIAE, one of the novellas that makes up the book. If this all sounds very complicated, don’t worry. The plot is complicated but the cover will be absolutely perfect.